Improving Clients’ State of Mind
I draw from various modalities to give each client what is needed to improve his/her current physical state. My method of bodywork is treatment-oriented and includes (but is not limited to): Myofascial Release Trigger Point Therapy, Deep Tissue Techniques (Muscle stripping; Cross fiber/circular friction…), PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitative) Stretching, Cupping MET (Muscle Energy Techniques) Percussion massage tools, Zero-Point Wand, CBD Salve, Essential Oils, and Kinesiology Tape available.
Therapeutic Massage
Deep tissue massage is designed to remove severe tension and relieve both muscles and connective tissue below the surface. It helps to improve the range of motion and heal injuries below the surface. I often incorporate Trigger Point Therapy & Myofascial Releasing in treatments.
Treatment for Work (LnI) or Auto Injuries(PIP)
I uses a variety of treatment-oriented massage techniques to support the healing process and reduce pain. Neuromuscular therapy and passive range-of-motion are often used in massage treatment.
Chair Massage
Chair Massage is performed in a specially designed chair with your clothes on. It is excellent for relaxation and more, depending on the technique(s) used. It is unique to each client’s needs and requests. The primary focus is not on the head, neck, shoulders, torso, and arms.
AromaTouch Massage
Delightful light massage, lying face down. 8 different doTerra oils are gently glided over your torso, head, and feet. This service has a particular sequence to provide the perfect flow of sensory experience and cellular absorption into the body.
Pregnancy Massage
Pregnancy massage focuses on addressing the special needs of expecting women. Specially-designed cushions allow my clients to lay face down (that is delightful in itself!). The benefits include relaxing the muscles around the hip joints due to the tendons relaxing, and it’s stress-relieving on back and leg muscles.